Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Guess what our play is about

In year two we are performing a play. This is one of the costumes. Can you guess what it is about? 

We're learning about 3d shapes

This morning we carried on learning about 3d shapes by looking at different boxes. We tried to name them - most were cuboids - and then we carefully pulled them apart so we could find out which different shapes they were made from. We found that cuboids are made out of lots of rectangles joined together. 

Ice on the field

This morning there was a lot of ice on the field. By playtime the sun has melted the ice except for in a few places. Mr Ellis asked us why the ice had not melted there.

We thought it was because those places were in the shade so they stayed nice and cool.

A dog came to hour school with a woman

The woman  told us abawt aneemuls and err they Live. By Peshawa 

A dog came to school today.

Today a dog came to our school. It was a nice dog. And We got to stroke her in the class. It was fun.

By Jessica